David Kern

Results 4 issues of David Kern

Hello, after installation and configuration, when I am run the app I get the next Error! ``` > Task :react-native-threads:compileDebugJavaWithJavac > Task :react-native-threads:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED Deprecated Gradle features were used in...

### Description I have a live stream of DVR and when seek, videojs get wrong current time in videojs-http-streaming You can see here the problem. ![videojsbug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7842159/186397772-79126a24-4f56-470b-a49b-6716d0243996.PNG) ### Reduced test case...

needs: triage

### Description I have a live stream of DVR and when seek, videojs get wrong current time in videojs-http-streaming You can see here the problem. ![videojsbug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7842159/186397772-79126a24-4f56-470b-a49b-6716d0243996.PNG) ### Reduced test case...

### Description I have a live stream of DVR and when seek, videojs get wrong current time in videojs-http-streaming You can see here the problem. ![videojsbug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7842159/186397772-79126a24-4f56-470b-a49b-6716d0243996.PNG) ### Reduced test case...

needs: more info
needs: triage