David Benson

Results 261 comments of David Benson

This issue hasn't been marked as duplicate.

-h, --height fits the generated image/pdf into the specified height, preserves aspect ratio. --crop crops PDF to diagram size You've specified no input file, add -x and the path.

No, I won't have time to look, but I'll reopen so someone else can.

None, we just cannot fix it, so we close such issues to avoid confusion that it might be fixed.

How about export to PDF and print that?

https://github.com/electron/electron-packager/issues/656 https://github.com/electron/asar/issues/123 describe the issues. I'd suggest to build the sign everything yourself to get around the problem for now.

We can leave it open, but there's nothing we can do to fix it. You need to supply a repro example to electron as an issue.
