David FU

Results 13 issues of David FU

hi, I am sorry to bother you with such a small commit. Recently I write a class to implement custom relationship segue, [SMBCustomRelationshipSegue](https://github.com/SuperMarioBean/SMBCustomRelationshipSegue), and I use your awesome reside menu...

hi, I am using your great markdown-live with code runner as my markdown editor with live render and now I need to hide the file navigator in the live browser...

hi there, I come with a question that, I found with option `UIModalPresentationCustom`, the presented view controller is always presented on `UIWindow.rooViewController`. I have no idea to present it on...

我想问下对于下面这种情况,返回值直接设置成 `YES` 是否会有问题。 如果说同时有模块 `A` 和 `B`, 当有 `openURL` 事件后,各个模块应该都有机会返回其是否能够处理这个 `url` 参数,至少有一个模块可以处理才返回 `YES`,如果都不能处理才返回 `NO`。 还望解惑 ``` - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { [[BeeHive shareInstance].context.openURLItem setOpenURL:url]; [[BeeHive shareInstance].context.openURLItem...

你好, 首先感谢各位大大的贡献。 我在今年八月份看到了 koolshare 上的这篇帖子, https://koolshare.cn/thread-183914-1-1.html,目前已经有针对 `ASUS RT-AX86U` 型号的软件中心提供方便好用的 `shiptv` 插件。并且在 https://github.com/koolshare/rogsoft 中确实也看到了这个 `shiptv` 插件, 所以, 我想询问下: `armsoft` 后续有安排支持 `shiptv` 插件么? 如果没有支持, 对于我这种 `RT-AC3100` 型号使用 384 版本固件的玩家, 该如何解决上海 iptv 的问题呢?...

1、经常出现[n]失效,没有发现什么规律 2、过快的点击[n],会有同时播放两首歌的情况 3、如果在开启搜狗中文的情况下,连续输入两次[n],此时会因为搜狗中文的原因暂存两次n而不是输入终端,而当用户电子shift切换至英文时,会同时播放下一首歌的两次假设播放的这首歌名叫A,那么此时能听到这首歌的两个副本在播放,并且,无论切换频道还是继续点n,始终会有这首歌的一个副本在播放,另一个副本会正常播放。


## What did you do? My trasition animation process like this: 1. B viewcontroller is in a navigation controller, then presenting I viewcontroller which enable hero and b.hero.id == i.hero.id,...

hi, I use pairwise with BehaviorRelay to listener the userInfo's changes, by compared with old and new, then make some animation. Expected: use pairwise with behaviorRelay, when there is a...


## 🐛 Bug Report Network Plugin HTTP Response body always (Empty) ![image](https://github.com/facebook/flipper/assets/3890843/fbf89930-7f33-4827-b786-d5187e0697bc) ## To Reproduce just use Network Plugin and check HTTP response body ## Environment iOS Version: 17.4.1 Flipper...