David Buchaca Prats

Results 51 comments of David Buchaca Prats

Is julia getting the refinition of "+" correctly? ``` @which x .+ WithTuple(1, (2,3)) (::Base.##715#716)(a, b) in Base at deprecated.jl:354 ```


No problem. I hope OpenCL gets better future support from vendors. I feel it's not going to happen. Maybe with Vulkhan...

I have no idea why but calling the function with the kernel you wrote ``` kernel = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1])),)``` is about 5 times faster ``` @benchmark imfilter!(gx, img, kernel) BenchmarkTools.Trial: memory...

In case I would like to use `imfilter!` or `imfilter` without padding how should I do it? I have tried an example from the documentation: ``` k = centered([-1 0...

Thank you for your detailed explanation. - I understand that `[-1 0 1]` is a 2d kernel (`ndims([-1 0 1])` is 2) but why can't I use `[-1,0,1]` (`ndims([-1,0,1])` is...

the current setup can't handle C and C++ backends and not sure how to do it. I will leave this stale since there is not priority. But we can keep...

are there any plans to provide a minibatch version such as https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans.html ?

I can reproduce the issue downloadding The following step in the readme seems it is not working ``` wget http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jiejiao/data/qpp/postgres/tpch/psqltpch0p1g.zip && unzip psqltpch0p1g.zip wget http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jiejiao/data/qpp/postgres/tpch/psqltpch1g.zip && unzip psqltpch1g.zip wget http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jiejiao/data/qpp/postgres/tpch/psqltpch10g.zip...