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Are the allocations from `imfilter!` expected?

Open davidbp opened this issue 6 years ago • 7 comments


I was trying to use imfilter! with an array gx preallocated before calling the function with the hope of not allocating memory. I see 2.31 MiB allocated. Why is it happening? (should I expect it? I did not expect any allocations if the output array was preallocated)

thank you

A minimal working example:

using Images
using TestImages
using BenchmarkTools

function to_gray(image)
    x = Array{ColorTypes.Gray{Float32}, 2}(image)
    return Array{Float32}(x)

img = testimage("mandrill");
img = to_gray(img)
direction_x =  centered([-1 0 1])
gx = imfilter(img, direction_x);

@benchmark imfilter($img, $direction_x)
@benchmark imfilter!($gx, $img, $direction_x)

Prints the following:

  memory estimate:  3.31 MiB
  allocs estimate:  58
  minimum time:     4.126 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      4.597 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        5.200 ms (7.27% GC)
  maximum time:     10.802 ms (28.68% GC)
  samples:          960
  evals/sample:     1

  memory estimate:  2.31 MiB
  allocs estimate:  56
  minimum time:     4.101 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      4.419 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        4.839 ms (5.47% GC)
  maximum time:     10.787 ms (25.44% GC)
  samples:          1032
  evals/sample:     1

davidbp avatar Sep 10 '18 14:09 davidbp

It's due to padding to handle the boundary conditions. At last check it was faster to copy the entire array than it was to exploit the otherwise-clever "interior vs exterior" logic that I built into this package: Perhaps you could try uncommenting it and seeing how it shakes out on 0.7/1.0? (The optimizer is quite different now, it may be better to go back to the clever solution.)

A possible detail is that you might need to be careful about your kernel. If you still discover allocations try something like this:

kernel = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1])),)

If you find that necessary but opaque, I can explain later.

timholy avatar Sep 10 '18 19:09 timholy

Oh, BTW, also consider img = Gray{Float32}.(testimage("mandrill")) instead of defining to_gray.

timholy avatar Sep 10 '18 19:09 timholy

I have no idea why but calling the function with the kernel you wrote kernel = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1])),)

is about 5 times faster

@benchmark imfilter!(gx, img, kernel)
  memory estimate:  2.02 MiB
  allocs estimate:  21
  minimum time:     755.484 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      881.723 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        1.020 ms (12.63% GC)
  maximum time:     3.054 ms (58.79% GC)
  samples:          4867
  evals/sample:     1

Additional comments

  • If you have a couple of minutes I would like some hints on why is that faster or how can I think about rewriting kernels (is it explained in the documentation of ImageFiltering?).

  • If I try to apply that idea (without knowing what's going on) to compute the gradient in the y direction I get an error...

kernel_y = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1])'),)
DimensionMismatch("must be one dimensional, got 2")
  • In any case we should definitely use this 'trick' in ImageFeatures. It would speed up quite a lot the computation of the HOG which currently does the following:
function create_descriptor(img::AbstractArray{CT, 2}, params::HOG) where CT<:Images.NumberLike
    #compute gradient
    gx = imfilter(img, centered([-1 0 1]))
    gy = imfilter(img, centered([-1 0 1]'))
    mag = hypot.(gx, gy)
    phase = orientation.(gx, gy)

    create_hog_descriptor(mag, phase, params)

davidbp avatar Sep 10 '18 20:09 davidbp

In case I would like to use imfilter! or imfilter without padding how should I do it?

I have tried an example from the documentation:

k = centered([-1 0 1])
np = NoPad(Pad(:replicate))
imfilter(img, k, np)

but returns

DimensionMismatch("requested indices (1:512, 0:125) and kernel indices (Base.Slice(0:0), Base.Slice(0:0)) do not agree with indices of padded input, (Base.OneTo(512), Base.OneTo(512))")

There are many imfilter! methods in the source code. Which one should I use to avoid padding?

davidbp avatar Sep 10 '18 20:09 davidbp

First some preliminaries: understand that ImageFiltering was "written against" older versions of julia; while it has been ported to 0.7/1.0 it does not take advantage of every aspect of more recent capabilities of Julia. For example, ImageFiltering places a huge premium on type-stability which was critically important in older versions of Julia. This is not as important as it used to be, but until someone spends several days taking a close look at every aspect of ImageFiltering we're stuck with the original design choices. So comments below are definitely relevant, but in some cases may only be a reflection of the current state of ImageFiltering rather than universal truths.

is about 5 times faster

interesting, for me it's about 2x faster. Still a good thing, obviously, but a much smaller improvement. (It's also much slower on my machine, and that may be relevant.)

If you have a couple of minutes I would like some hints on why is that faster or how can I think about rewriting kernels (is it explained in the documentation of ImageFiltering?).

[0 1 0] is a 2d kernel, though the first dimension is of size 1. Filtering is vastly faster for separable 2d kernels than for non-separable kernels, so ImageFiltering goes to the effort to try to discover whether your 2d kernel is separable before doing the actual filtering. The fact that the first dimension is of size 1 means, of course, that it is separable and that you only need to perform operations along dimension 2. But your version doesn't guarantee that at the level of the type system. My version does: a ReshapeOneD means "reshape a 1d vector to be a multidimensional object that is still essentially one-dimensional, but along some arbitrary dimension." In particular, ReshapeOneD{2,1}(v) means turn it into a 2d object with 1 "padding dimension" before the vector, i.e., so that its extent is along dimension 2. (With newer versions of Julia we should special case v' since that's wrapped in Adjoint but that wasn't possible in older versions of Julia so hasn't been done yet.)

When you put ReshapedOneD objects into a tuple you define a filter cascade and ImageFiltering doesn't try to "get smart" with your kernel, it takes it literally. The short-circuiting of the "cleverness" might contribute to some of the speed advantage, but probably not much. There are differences in dispatch that may be significant but perhaps not inevitable. To be honest, the dispatch rules for ImageFiltering are considerably more complicated than ideal because OffsetArrays used to have bad performance so I used a lot of workarounds. Now they don't so things could certainly be simplified.

(is it explained in the documentation of ImageFiltering?)

A few hints of this are in the docs but probably not with sufficient detail. Would love help fixing that, naturally.

If I try to apply that idea (without knowing what's going on) to compute the gradient in the y direction I get an error...

Actually the example I gave was working along dimension 2 (which is actually "horizontal" as viewed by e.g., ImageView). For filtering along the 1st dimension just use kernel = (centered([-1,0,1]),) (i.e., a vector).

In case I would like to use imfilter! or imfilter without padding how should I do it?

Inner should be useful but I see there's a (deliberate?) copy here. To be honest I don't remember why, but it could be important. (Consider deleting it and seeing what happens?) You're right that NoPad should be useful but it may be a bit more complicated because it's really intended only for internal use. You may have discovered a bug but I can't check tonight.

timholy avatar Sep 11 '18 01:09 timholy

Thank you for your detailed explanation.

  • I understand that [-1 0 1] is a 2d kernel (ndims([-1 0 1]) is 2) but why can't I use [-1,0,1] (ndims([-1,0,1]) is 1) ?

I get the following error:

ArgumentError: Pad{1}(:replicate, (1,), (1,)) lacks the proper padding sizes for an array with 2 dimensions

Is it because there is no way for imfilter to know if the kernel has to be applied in the X or Y axis? (since the image is 2D but the kernel is 1D)

  • I don't see how to use ReshapedOneD to do the same with gy = imfilter(img, centered([-1 0 1]')) even though it should be straightforward.

Actually It's a bit odd you created a tuple when you created the kernel but If I don't do it it does not work.

## works
k2 = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1])),)
imfilter(img, k2)

## does not work
k2 = ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,1}(centered([-1,0,1]))
imfilter(img, k2)
  • I will try to do some workaround to use imfilter! without alocations with your suggestions.

Thank you for your comments :)

davidbp avatar Sep 12 '18 03:09 davidbp

Looks like you need

kernel = (ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD{2,0}(centered([-1,0,1])),)

(note this is {2,0} instead of {2,1} like before). I think we probably should make that work properly, but this will get you going.

Pro-tip: to understand what all this means, be aware that ImageFiltering has a lot of internal documentation accessible with ? and module-scoping, e.g.,

help?> ImageFiltering.ReshapedOneD

  Return an object of dimensionality N, where data must have dimensionality 1. The axes are 0:0 for the first Npre dimensions, have the axes of data for dimension Npre+1, and are 0:0 for the remaining dimensions.

  data must support eltype and ndims, but does not have to be an AbstractArray.

  ReshapedOneDs allow one to specify a "filtering dimension" for a 1-dimensional filter.

The trickiest part is that ImageFiltering has several sub-modules so you often have to figure out which one you need.

Actually It's a bit odd you created a tuple when you created the kernel but If I don't do it it does not work

Regarding tuples for the kernel, see that link to the documentation about factored kernels and above about the "filter cascade." But we should add methods that support single kernels of custom type.

In principle it shouldn't be necessary to mess around with this level of manual optimization; you're digging into the private interface of ImageFiltering, so expect to have to dive into the code for some explanations.

timholy avatar Sep 12 '18 15:09 timholy