David Anthoff

Results 315 issues of David Anthoff

Here is the repo: ``` julia using DataFrames, RCall df = DataFrame(x=[2^63 - 1, 2]) R"$df" ```

I'm running the `lyra2019` branch in an electron window and it works great. But if I click on the close button of the electron window, nothing happens, in particular, the...


I plan to wrap lyra in an electron window and expose that for interactive work in Julia (in the same way that [DataVoyager.jl](https://github.com/queryverse/DataVoyager.jl) exposes voyager for Julia). There are a...


Is there a way to easily add a new dataset via code? For example, in voyager, I can run voyagerInstance.updateData(data) as JavaScript to update the data source. Can I do...


Just a quick question: is this project still being maintained? Any future plans? It looks really cool, but there doesn't seem to be too much activity in the repo?

I ran Registrator.jl locally on Windows to tag a new package (not just a new release). Registrator.jl ended up adding a path to the root `Registry.toml` in the registry that...

We have our own registry for a bunch of lab internal stuff. Can I use Registrator for that use case? How would I configure it so that it works on...

It would be great if the documentation just had 1-2 references to papers for each sampler. A second step would probably be to describe each sampler in the documentation, but...


I'm not sure this is really a good idea, but I'd like to get some feedback :) The idea would be that `$x` is just syntactic sugar for `_.x` in...


Just a simple example for the piping story where some pipe operators are from Query, combined with operators from other places. Thanks @oxinabox for suggesting this!
