Dave Armstrong
Dave Armstrong
I came across a bug when using `inferences()` after `agv_comparisons()` for a model estimated with `lme4::glmer()`. A minimal reproducible example is below: ``` r library(dplyr) library(lme4) library(marginaleffects) gm1 #> Term...
I recently answered [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78279679/fixestcoefplot-problem-using-keep-and-x-to-rename-variables-argument-x) on StackOverflow and there was some confusion about the relationship between the `x` and `keep` arguments. It might be worth fleshing that out in the...
Since version 1.4 of the `markdown()` package, the `markdownExtensions()` function has been removed. Currently, lines 332-336 of `file_strem_server.r` are: ```r text = markdown::markdownToHTML( text = text, fragment.only = TRUE, extensions...
The command in the readme.md file to install using devtools is wrong. This one worked for me: library(devtools) install_github("Vizzuality/cartodb-r/CartoDB")
I have an app that generates choices for `selectizeInput()` based on the value of another selector. Specifically, it finds the unique values of the selected variable and then makes those...
I wonder if there is any value in making a `knitr::purl`-style function that outputs a .do file with just the Stata code in it? I've done this for my own...