David Waltermire
David Waltermire
# User Story: As an OSCAL user, I need to understand how a component in an OSCAL component definition can be used in an OSCAL SSP. The [content](https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL/documentation/schema/implementation-layer/component/) on the...
# User Story: As an OSCAL content creator, I need to import an external listing of parties into an OSCAL document. This allows the shared management of parties which can...
# Committer Notes This PR represents a work-in-progress to represent the FedRAMP OSCAL guides in Markdown for publishing as HTML instead of the current PDF format. This feature branch will...
# Committer Notes - Updated to newer version of the hugo-uswds theme and made configuration changes based on theme changes. - Reworked side navigation to provide a better integration of...
# Committer Notes This PR incorporates a bunch of Metaschema Java improvements, including: - usnistgov/metaschema-java#373 - usnistgov/metaschema-java#368 - usnistgov/metaschema-java#367 - usnistgov/metaschema-java#365 - usnistgov/metaschema-java#363 - usnistgov/metaschema#659 This PR builds on the...
# User Story: As an `liboscal-java` user, I would like for the ability to set the `source-profile` link `@href` value to a user provided path on profile resolution. ## Goals:...
The [initial Sector of Interest list](https://github.com/usnistgov/vulntology/blob/master/specification/values/sector-of-interest-type.md) is less than complete. Does it make sense to use the [Critical Infrastructure Sectors](https://www.dhs.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectors) defined by Presidential Policy Directive 21 ([PPD-21](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2013/02/12/presidential-policy-directive-critical-infrastructure-security-and-resil))?
# Committer Notes Updates to address code refactoring in https://github.com/usnistgov/metaschema-java/pull/363. ### All Submissions: - [ ] Have you selected the correct base branch per [Contributing](https://github.com/usnistgov/oscal-cli/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) guidance? - [ ] Have...
# Committer Notes This feature branch provides external constraints for use with the OSCAL-cli and CI/CD improvements. Two files are provided: - fedramp-external-constraints.xml - contains FedRAMP-specific OSCAL extensions expressed using...
# Committer Notes Add a `-o` option to CLI validation commands to generate a SARIF result at the provided location. This PR incorporates a bunch of Metaschema Java and liboscal-java...