Currently it wasn't planned but it's a good idea! I will put on the backlog.
Hi, currently it's not possible. But sounds like a good and simple feature! I put it in the backlog.
Hi, thank you very much for the bug report and directly provided bug fix. :-) The sorting of the images is done based on the creation date in the exif...
That would be a good feature. I will see how I can include this in the next update. The sorting of the files is in the integrated script novaGallery (located...
Thank you very much! :+1: Thats a great idea and will be included in v2.
Where did you install Bludit? At a webspace provider or on a private installed server? Which php version do you use? Is a folder named `gallery` created automatically in `bl-content`...
Okay. I don't know how this Docker image works. Is in the gallery folder an other folder with the name `album`? And which permissions are on `gallery` and on `album`...
Yes, currently thats all. In v2 it will be dateASC, dateDESC, nameASC, nameDESC and random. v2 is in internal alpha testing and gets public in next few months including a...
Thanks, that's a good idea. Will be included in the next major version.
Hi, it depends on your network and server configuration. You should use the local Domain or IP (with http:// or https://) of you homeserver an the path and/or the port...