I'm experiencing the same issue on macOS. This plugin looks incredible though! @pichillilorenzo Thank you, for making such a useful and needed plugin.
Hi-there @berkanttubi. Is that the entire error message?
@berkanttubi You will need to make the changes that are covered in the article to prevent these errors.
The [first step](https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-achieve-over-90-accuracy-with-dual-shot-face-detector-dsfd-in-wsl2-9c9fefb3f863#b08f) in the "Fix the Errors" section should solve this problem. Can you send a screenshot of your code from the stated files at the stated lines of...
@berkanttubi Good. Glad you were able to get it working! I've only used DSFD with single images, but I vaguely remember the paper stating something about the model not being...
Hi @bewithme, it is, but other versions can work too. You can find the instructions [here](https://github.com/Tencent/FaceDetection-DSFD/issues/67#issue-671298867).
@divastar Yes, but it requires a little setup. This [article](https://medium.com/@thealtruist/how-to-implement-the-facedetection-dsfd-demo-on-windows-4997f48f0204) should help.😄 Also, if this resolved your issue, would you mind closing it?
The CSSUsed tab in the Dev Tools doesn't appear on YouTube.
**The Context:** I used the example posted by @iDevelopper, Mar 9, 2016, to create a custom solution for conflicting gesture recognizers. Within the same view controller, I had one tap...
@iDevelopper Thank you for your quick response! And for the sample! It works great!