Results 38 comments of David Caro

This fixes #6 right? I tried using this PR but ended up with SIGSEV: ``` INFO[0000] authenticating with remarkable cloud panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference...

> @david-caro huh interesting - I haven't rebuilt this since I opened the PR, but it was working at the time. I'll take a look at fixing it tomorrow. Looks...

I bumped rmapi to 0.0.15 and it worked now :)

Any of these can be also mixed with using a special prefix for external components, like 'invenio-ext' or similar, until they are officially supported and moved into inveniosoftware. That might...

Maybe introduce on the weekly forum a small recap of the new projects, probably better in addition to the above.

Though personally I think that AGPL is the best way to go in the long run (ecosystem wise), and that you can still build a business around it, just not...

Btw. I'm quite new to both, C++ and QT, so any suggestions on how to improve it are welcome :)

Hey! iirc the cleanup is indeed a legacy feature, that was created way before destroy existed. Probably kept to allow backwards compatibility and forgotten. (see 517b7c804e54910292a52c8eadc8ce0f2491ab69, that shows that cleanup...

List of elements to 'parallelize': - [ ] Storage cache - [ ] Network reservation - [ ] reposync

Not sure if it's supported on el7, but I generated that with virt-manager on fc23, worth investigating