David Bakin
David Bakin
Hedera uses them too: datatypes + evm + nativelib. We can pull from either artifactory or maven central.
(actually the mistaken "24.3.1" release, earlier this week, did push artifacts to jfrog - though they've been removed now)
The article mentioned in issue main comment "need to use smartctl -d sat with all the commands" is now at https://linuxopsys.com/topics/test-ssd-hdd-health-in-linux
Unfortunate that HAS becomes `Has` in camel-case (though an acronym that's the rule) because that makes methods look like predicates and just looks confusing for class names. Oh well.
> Feat as opposed to chore makes sense. As for copying the ticket into the description, I don't see the point in that, I don't like duplicating data/code/text 😄 Up...
Probably would be better to do this _before_ upgrading the mirror node to Cancun.