Is this still a problem? If not then I'd like to close the issue.
Hi, I'll close this issue, if there are problems in future then please create another issue, thanks
Sorry but at this current time you cannot use both Powerlink Module and an additional device to use with this integration, not that I'm aware of. I have experimented with...
> Regarding your last remark-will it include the ability to arm / disarm or only “read only”? My answer goes back to what I said about Visonic not managing 2...
Most things are command / response. We send a command in to the panel to ask for its status for a specific thing and it send a message back with...
Can I ask, are you in a position that you have a Visonic Go app connection with a Powerlink 3.1 module, and also have an ESP32 device that you could...
Hi again, a bit of an update if anyone is still subscribed to this thread. I have a working prototype. It uses "Standard Mode" in the integration so it is...
Closing this issue as it's a repeat of this https://github.com/davesmeghead/visonic/issues/88
Hi, If you upload a debug log file then I'll take a look through to see if I can help D
Hi, I might be stating the obvious here but in both log files there is no data being received from the panel, not a single byte. I know this because...