Hey Guys, Im trying to use Simple Server following the above guidance based on; https://github.com/Sn0wfreezeDev/openhaystack/tree/simple_server, however, i cant even see in the source the mention on the simple_server anymore. Ive...
Unfortunately no. I tried changing the status field to 'imitate' other Apple Devices, such as Airpods an actual Airtag etc, didn't see any change in result.
when capturing 'offline finding' data, you will see some variance in the status byte field that directly correlates to the type of device that is beaconing that data. Example; most...
So the Off-line Finding network is working as it was with IOS 16?
That's huge news. I'll give it a look/try this morning.
Thanks mate. Apologies for the double up.
Did you end up building these ?