David Mosher
David Mosher
Jumping in here on the invitation of @DmitrySharabin in #797, some of the implicit schema mapping (and rendering) _definitely_ confused me as a first-time Mavo user. (specifically point 6 above)....
Ah, this confused me because I saw the value of `Mavo.version` as `v0.2.4` in the console, but the docs seemed to indicate `v0.3.0` was already released: I also cloned the...
Alternatively I've heard good things about [Microsoft RushJS](https://rushjs.io), but haven't tried it out in a project yet
➕ for this, I think the underscore prefix is a good default here and I would love the ability to co-locate page-related components in generouted 🤓
As a sublime text user, I'll take a crack at this :)
I got as far as cloning the recommended Sublime plugin repo, but haven't touched it otherwise.