Dave Gööck
Dave Gööck
I have the same problem with AFO 2.0.3. I have a dashboard, where I fetch all available tasks for all projects: `this.afo.database.list('/tasks').subscribe(...` On a project detail page, I have the...
It would so great to have a solution for this.
I don't know how to import the localized firebaseui builds in my webapp. The documentation at https://github.com/firebase/firebaseui-web#localized-widget does not help. I tried to include a German locale in my app...
One more use case: I'm coding in the cloud with [GitPod](https://gitpod.io/) on a Chromebook. So no local environment but an environment behind a reverse proxy. The emulator is made available...
@Natanael1234 Could you provide a pull request for this? This should be fixed here in the project. Thanks for this fix. :)
@nerdylist I struggled with the same when I tried to run it on Gitpod, since I'm not very used to python. Thanks @dacbd for your suggestion. I solved it by...