David Corwin
David Corwin
Thanks for the quick response! Unfortunately, its not a public repo. I'm using [Next.js](https://github.com/zeit/next.js) and sticking with their file structure so far, but its nothing unusual (other than not having...
Also, it is something within eslint itself not VSCode, i have the same issues in Atom and running on the command line.
sorry to spam, here is my entire .babelrc: ``` { "plugins": [ [ "module-resolver", { "root": [ "." ], "alias": { "styles": "./styles", "components": "./components", "lib": "./lib", "pages": "./pages", "gql":...
no change. Wondering if it can find the file, since it displays the module in the popup (see screenshots above), but for some reason it can't resolve the export. Could...
the aliases work in the actual application so I think that the module-resolver config in .babelrc is ok, its just eslint that can't find it.
Hmm, i got it to work for node_modules and relative paths by changing the following in my .eslintrc.yml: from ``` settings: import/resolver: babel-module ``` to ``` settings: import/resolver: babel-module: foo:...
OK. I downgraded to v2.2.1 and everything works. My hunch (not confirmed) is that the issue was caused by [this](https://github.com/tleunen/eslint-import-resolver-babel-module/blob/master/src/index.js#L20) where you're trying to identify the babel-plugin-module-resolver plugin by checking...
in package.json for this repo: ``` "peerDependencies": { .... "babel-plugin-module-resolver": ">3.0.0-beta" }, ``` But in Next.js (and my app): ``` "dependencies": { ... "babel-plugin-module-resolver": "2.6.2" } ```
@pkuczynski `eslint-import-resolver-babel-module` v2.2.1. Its not the specific version that matters as much as making sure that all of your dependencies are using the same version of `babel-plugin-module-resolver`.