David McGaughey
David McGaughey
I'm also having this issue. Not sure how to work around this.
I'm having the same issue....the error message is unfortunately not helpful...I've tried 4 methods and all are failing in the same way (it does work on the example data for...
@rlittman16 Looks like your issue is related to memory issues? Usually when R gets killed it's because of low memory.
Ah figured it out.....using ALL genes is a bad idea. When I trimmed it down to a few the model could be built. You may want to consider adding some...
`ti_slingshot()` (and most others) work for my version (see below) - as long as I keep the numbers of genes to low thousands. I haven't benchmarked to see what the...
Are you aware of any efforts to take the Nirvana json output and output a rowwise format (where each row is a variant)? I've just received a Nirvana jsonand an...
Is the partial answer that intergenic variants don't get annotated? When I get around to figuring out how to left_join these together I'll figure this out - but right now...
Is there some way you recommend pulling out the format fields? Since you didn't put them into the "outside" of the file (like a vcf would have in the header....
Good to know, I may just remove it from my gemini calls for consistency.
Oh yes, but with an option to parse by phenotype? Eh, this is getting complicated in my head. I'm already disliking this idea.