Dave Lester
Dave Lester
This project is a great idea. 👏 Nice work. I noticed that the project is missing a LICENSE file. Is the intention for the code to be under an open...
Badge images are currently displayed on pages for each badge; they should be added to each award page so it's clear what badge was awarded. This is a matter of...
As specified in the assertion specification: https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges/wiki/Assertions
Signed badges use the Backpack javascript issuer API to pass a signature rather than a URL. The JSON representation of the badge assertion should be used as the JWS payload....
It would be great to see WPBadger translated into multiple languages, including the email that is sent when a badge is awarded (see comments in #53). Instructions for how to...
When the user receives the email, there is no link to accept/decline, just the content of the message sent to them in the post content field.0 This bug as been...
Badge versions are not currently part of url slugs, but they may be important if multiple versions of the badge are being issued. Modified url slugs would look something like...
Instead of including separate navigation links in the administrative panel for badges and awards, create a new admin tab for WPBadger (possibly calling it openbadges so it's clear what its...
The version field included in WPBadger is a user-editable field, when it probably should not be. According to the [badges spec](https://github.com/mozilla/OpenBadges/wiki/Assertions), the version refers to the spec version that the...
Add an optional meta field to the award post type that includes the name of who an award is sent to. In certain circumstances (like the confirmation email, and the...