v4.1 When authenticating with Active Directory and setting the preference `shouldPromptForADPasswordChange` as true, the menubar time displayed for password change checking appears to be delayed by about 5 minutes. To...
v4.1 build 6375 The manifest needs the following fix at line 672. Currently the pref title for `shouldUseROPGForMenuLogin` has a merge error and in Profile Creator shows the title for...
v4.1 build 6375 When setting `shouldUseROPGForMenuLogin` to `true` and signed in as an Okta user and clicking menubar Sign In, the ROPG username/password controls are not shown and instead the...
v4.1 build 6375 When using Google for authentication the user is prompted for a multifactor sign-in code at each sign-in event, even when selecting don't ask again on this device....
v4.1 build 6315 These manifest element values are unchanged from v4.0 manifest.
version 5.0 The manifest description needs to be updated to reflect that admin status is now removed when group membership is revoked. The description should also clarify that it will...
v5.0 build 7066 There may be an issue with AD shares `HomeMountEnabled`. The home share did not appear to get mounted when setting this true and launching the menubar app....
v5.0 build 7066 The key allowLoginIfMemberOfGroup works as expected but after blocking an unallowed user the login screen appears to be rendered multiple times with a second offset layer visible....
v5.0 build 7096 When setting `map_username` to `sn` for an AD authentication environment it was not possible to sign in with the user's last name as expected. This was for...