There may be a workaround, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to install latest due to the current tags lacking the "v" prefix.
## Desired Behavior Clarify 1-to-1 relationship of issues to PRs in "tracking" section of contributing docs ## Suggested Solution(s) > Issues and Pull Requests are tracked using Kanban boards. Board...
AC - [ ] Add "settled" timestamp to PostResp, AddPostReq, FndPostsReq - [ ] Add "expired" timestamp to PostResp, AddPostReq, FndPostsReq Note: "Closed" is a calculation: IF "settled" OR current_time...
AC - [ ] Add messages: "CategoryResp", "AddCategoryReq", "CategoriesResp", "FndCategoriesReq"
AC - [ ] Using PB enums (https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#enum), add values for Ask/Offer as Kind (or better naming, please consult with the team) - [ ] Drop: AddTypeReq - [ ]...
The current CoC links are in the contributing doc. AC - [ ] CoC links are in the CoC doc instead of contrib doc - [ ] Contrib doc links...
AC - [ ] Add UserID (string repeat) to FndUserReq
AC - [ ] Add UserID (string) to AddPostReq - [ ] Add UserID (string) to PostResp
We need to be able retrieve paginated posts. We should be able to filter by date. For example, "get the posts between today and a month ago". Combined with pagination,...