Dave Cranwell

Results 9 comments of Dave Cranwell

Shift + Enter in the "Rich" example (which otherwise seems the closest to my desired results of all the examples) causes un-marked up text() nodes, unwrapped with `p` tags. This...

Browsers support SVG in `img` tags well: http://caniuse.com/#feat=svg-img, so faithfully enough to warrant a CMS supporting it imo. But as you say the cropping issues are likely to be an...

That's _an_ option, but would negate one of the primary reasons for working with SVG in the first place, namely it's independence from pixel-density (that would be _my_ reason, at...

https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail/blob/master/wagtail/wagtailimages/fields.py currently defines the allowed extensions and while `WAGTAILIMAGES_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE` is a global setting, `ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS` isn't. It looks like it would be pretty trivial to make it a setting, although the...

See also #381 where this was first touched on (although that was mainly about model logic). I think the very first conversation, around the same time but undocumented, was for...

Thanks for the offer of help that's really appreciated. The device comes with an SDK on a mini CD, which includes a .dll meant to be used with the code...

+1. Has anyone worked out how to do this yet?

As far as I can tell this could be done with a plugin like this very basic one: ``` (function() { (function(jQuery) { return jQuery.widget("IKS.hallorequireparagraphs", { options: { blockElements: ["p",...

That isn't actually how I did it eventually: https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail/pull/999/files That solution may be just as broken though.