Dave Boutcher
Dave Boutcher
Well, I think the issue is the interaction of the pool and the queue...we definitely shouldn't zero a tagged node when it goes through the pool....though to be honest, I...
doubt it...losing the tag bits (i.e. memsetting everything to zero all the time) is exactly what causes this
@alex sorry for the extreme lag, its taken me a while to get back to this. I don't love what I did here, but see if its along the lines...
There is a partial workaround for this. Reconstruct the peer key as follows: ``` # Reconstruct the public key peer_key = DHPublicNumbers(peer_key.public_numbers().y, peer_key.parameters().parameter_numbers()).public_key() ``` However in my case the server...
This issue exists in keys generated by cryptography 41.0.7 and loaded into 42.0.0. If the following code is run on 41.0.7 to generate a key (to stdout) ``` from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization...
PR proposed.....passes all the tests and Works For Me™
@alex is there a process for requesting a review of a PR? Or an irc/discord/mailing list thats worth joining?