
Results 9 comments of davebeep

Just moved from andOTP, which did this and I found it really useful. (Also used Lastpass authenticator in the past and think that did it too). Would be great -...

I will give it a go! Thank you

The conversion works but there is obviously something wrong with the formatting or schema in my CSV because when I try to import to SMS I/E I'm getting 'error parsing...

Here it is: [ { "\u00ef\u00bb\u00bf\"\"\"type\"\"": "1,\"07777777987\",\"No, but I'll be leaving soon.\",\"1120755000000\"", "address\"\"": null, "body\"\"": null, "date\"\"\"": null }, { "\u00ef\u00bb\u00bf\"\"\"type\"\"": "2,\"00447787878781\",\"I am not going tomorrow. Wow\",\"1120756200000\"", "address\"\"": null, "body\"\"":...

OK, I tried saving in the different format and it seemed promising with no parsing errors. It looks like this: [ { "\"type\",\"address\",\"body\",\"date\"": "1,\"07777777987\",\"No, but I'll be leaving soon.\",\"1120755000000\"" },...

> At this point, I really need to see your original CSV file. Sensitive data can be redacted, if desired, but I need to see the more or less original...

> Well, there's your problem. In your initial report, you said that your file had lines like these: > > ``` > "type","address","body","date" > 2,"00447779877777","No, but I am leaving soon!","1120755000000"...

Hi @tmo1, I'm really grateful for all your help and wanted to let you know that, with a bit of trial and error, I think I have done it (I'm...

> I'm glad you got it working! For the diacritics, see if running the conversion script as follows solves the problem: > > `PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 csv-convert.py < messages.csv > messages.json` That...