Dave Brophy
Dave Brophy
Not sure why that's happening... But if that `gtdo` package wasn't created with the `jsgo` environment in mind then it's possible it needs changes to work... You might need to...
But wait `gtdo` isn't a GopherJS app at all... I wouldn't expect it to work... It's trying to start a web server. This is the GopherJS package: https://play.jsgo.io/github.com/shurcooL/gtdo/frontend/ ... which...
Here's it deployed: https://jsgo.io/shurcooL/gtdo/frontend It's panicing here: https://github.com/shurcooL/gtdo/blob/22ff496d3dddd4f4b66788de296a336952d9fe70/frontend/frontend.go#L69 ... because this isn't in the index page HTML: https://github.com/shurcooL/gtdo/blob/22ff496d3dddd4f4b66788de296a336952d9fe70/_data/head.html.tmpl#L10
I refreshed all my dependencies including `gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4/...` but I'm not getting that error... Where does the error occur? I love Go but I also love the front-end web. Running Go...
Hmm yes you're right... I'll take a closer look...
Aaah I had a branch checked out in my go-git directory, so it wasn't pulling the latest master. I've fixed the bug... give it a try now.
> I think it should always be empty string. I haven't worked on this codebase for years so it's definitely possible I'm misunderstanding, but why? What's wrong with treating it...
> The problem I'm seeing is that I'm at least four levels down Exactly... `dst` is concerned with the syntax, and is by design relatively dumb... it feels to me...
Use your work-around for now, but we'll keep the ticket open and if lots of people have the same problem, we'll look at fixing it... I would need to spend...
Sorry, can you go into a bit more detail what you want to do? I'm having trouble understanding the question. It's possible you might be looking for the mappings feature?...