
Results 27 comments of davay

Hi! I've been helping with the `certify` docs and it seems to be very helpful to others building more complex apps with that. I agree that GUN docs are very...

There's a plenty on services like Glitch.com or Heroku, where you can run a node.js server for free, but with very limited storage. I imagine using these interchangeable relays sharing...

For now I just can't figure out what's happening at this line of code: ``` scriptNode.onaudioprocess = function (audioProcessingEvent) { fn(audioProcessingEvent.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0)); }; ``` And how the buffer is actually connected...

My explorations live here https://github.com/davay42/amy/tree/main/src/es6

Just reverbs and delays are enough to profoundly enrich the sound of the synth. And another thing is that implementing AudioWorklet glue we can eliminate any issues with clicks and...

I also got some pretty cool audio analysis tools and would like to integrate them in a future proof way, which AudioWorklets seem to be now. I tried to do...