
Results 27 comments of davay

Yeah! That's very strange that there's no such option for FTP.

@grimmdude @lplume Yeah, this feature is very needed! I'm using MidiWriter to create small midi loops and the same issue arises. Adding a silent note helps, but it's somewhat dirty,...

@lplume I think just the ability to set the end-of-track event manually at a certain time would be enough for the purpose.

@lplume Interestingly Garage band recognizes the loop length correctly with `midiTrack.setTempo(tempo.bpm); midiTrack.setTimeSignature(4, 4)` in place. Works even for empty loops. The calculations shouldn't be too fancy here. The issue arises...

Same thing with my own ESM library. Dev works, but build fails with ``` Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module /Users/davay/Documents/ФРУКТ/ФРУКТ/frkt.ru/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@gun-vue/components/dist/index.js from /Users/davay/Documents/ФРУКТ/ФРУКТ/frkt.ru/.vitepress/.temp/app.js not supported. ```

The library is packaged as ESM only mjs file and vitepress still tries to require() it and fails.

Yeah, setting all the non-ESM-ready packages as ` ssr: { noExternal: ['package-one', 'package-two'] }` fixes the problem! Recent vitepress builds everything just fine! 🔥

@mesqueeb create a `vite.config.js` near your `package.json` and paste it there: ```js import { defineConfig } from 'vite' export default defineConfig({ ssr: { noExternal: ['lib-1', 'lib-2'] }, }) ```