David "baguette" Moreau
David "baguette" Moreau
@dkipp have you look into [csg.js](https://github.com/jscad/csg.js) ? the current work on splitting it from the openjscad ui has gone far, you can run now js code to build shapes in...
Have you tried adding proto_paths to vscode extension settings ? ``` "protoc": { "options": [ "--proto_path=foo/bar" ] } ``` cf https://github.com/zxh0/vscode-proto3#fields, quoting "protoc compiler arguments/flags, required for proto validation and...
well, in fact just changing v1 by v2 in the api url works. anyone ?
For those looking into it, here's a doc referencing how complex are packed: https://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WMOCodes/Guides/GRIB/GRIB2_062006.pdf
If you still get the error, make sure the navigator you're using is compatible. getUserMedia is not supported everywhere... http://caniuse.com/#feat=stream
+1 would be great