David Guevara
David Guevara
It is similar #182 but for the coc-explorer menu. It would be useful to be able to hide the ignored files when coc-explorer is open and to be able to...
> This also seems to drastically slow down nvim startup with larger files, on the order of seconds for files with thousands of lines _Originally posted by @crides in https://github.com/datwaft/bubbly.nvim/issues/104#issuecomment-846458949_
Maybe using the default [neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim) theme as the base.
Blacklist works with current buffer, so if the bubble is to be shown in current buffers its also shown in inactive buffers.
It should be made clear in the documentation that the plugin uses powerline font for the default delimiters.
Using [nerdfont.vim](https://github.com/lambdalisue/nerdfont.vim).
It should go to a new `.lua` file that checks at the very beginning if there is any error in the configuration and print warnings. While printing it should delete...