Hello. just updated to Mall 3.2.1. Some great new features. Awesome. Here's a small issue. With the new enabled/disabled option for price categories, I disabled "Old Price". And then when...
Hello. This is an issue on Mall 3.1.0. Mall 3.2.1 seems to be fine. In products, under the Images/Downloads/Embeds tab, trying to add a link, and I get below. Can...
Hello. Mall 3.2.1 After disabling a payment method, trying to access an older order in the backend and the page breaks. I'm guessing the `is_enabled `field should only be considered...
Hello. Mall 3.2.1. I click delete payment method, I get the message "Deleted selected records", but nothing happens. No errors. Thanks.
Hello. Mall 3.2.1 Using the partial from mall theme [taxes.htm](https://github.com/OFFLINE-GmbH/oc-mall-theme/blob/master/partials/mallPDF/order/taxes.html) Prevoiusly, `entry.tax.name`, `entry.tax.percentage` and `entry.total_formatted` were all available. Now i am missing `entry.tax.name` (as well as a few other unused...
Hello All. I know this error can be a bit vague/misleading, but that's what we have. We use Sagepay server and since yesterday, payment started failing. Still on omnipay-sagepay 4.0.1....
Hello. Can you please take a look at [this issue](https://github.com/rainlab/user-plugin/issues/549#issuecomment-2185362379). Is there something in Mall 3.3.1 that is causing this? Thank-you
Hello. Mall 3.5.4 This error was generated at checkout. The order was created OK. However, the virtual product in the order, we hook into the `Event::listen('mall.product.file_grant.created', function (ProductFileGrant $grant, Product...