Diego Alejandro Tejada Arango
Diego Alejandro Tejada Arango
Use the JSON file here to create a tutorial on how to set up a run using the rolling horizon feature: [JSON file](https://github.com/spine-tools/SpineOpt.jl/blob/dc84c04c53303c30301f54eaa019cad492552332/examples/rolling_horizon.json) Also, use the input data here for...
**Describe the bug** Installing SpineOpt and SpineInterface from the SpineJuliaRegistry as in section 3.a of the installation guide on the README file leads to the error shown in the screenshot...
- [ ] Add the vintage variables to refactor the existing constraints, e.g., in the constraint for units invested available. - [ ] Update the objective function with the new...
For multi-year investment
User cases for the tutorial to show how to do it in SpineOpt: - [ ] Continuos temporal blocks for investment and operation. For example, you have an 11-year horizon...
Create the steps to include these changes in the structure @jkiviluo
### Discussed in https://github.com/spine-tools/SpineOpt.jl/discussions/581 Originally posted by **nhniina** March 24, 2023 The number of classes and parameters in the input database structure feels a bit overwhelming for many new users....
# Description of the bug In the Spine DB Editor, the parameters *upward_reserve* and *downward_reserve* for the node entity should be parsed as boolean rather than string when the user...
Create a method so that the user can select either ">=" or "==" in the technical lifetime constraint and update the documentation https://spine-tools.github.io/SpineOpt.jl/latest/mathematical_formulation/constraints/#Technical-lifetime-of-a-unit
# Pull request details ## Describe the changes made in this pull request Create the new variables and constraints according to #640 in the model to avoid charging and discharging...