Dat Duong
Dat Duong
Hi, I would like to confirm the idea to add in an unseen word. Suppose I have a new word "xyzw". To include this word, the easiest approach is to...
Alternatively, can you also remove non-English words and the rare symbols ? Would this significantly affect the model ?
todohighlight.keywordsPattern seems to override the todohighlight.keywords. I follow example posted in the readme in the front page https://github.com/wayou/vscode-todo-highlight. I notice that the todohighlight.defaultStyle will override all the color options in...
Can we just use pretrained model without GPU on windows 10?
I find this guide helpful. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Jw28xZ1NJq4Cja4jLe6tJ6_F5lCzElb4#scrollTo=RzgmGb73yFNj It shows you how to use transforms.Compose to transform the images. To train, you have to put a loss function on the output of...
Same. I used a different dataset, and also see accuracy being around the 25% range.
I use drop_last and it works. I am using 4 GPU and batch size 52.
I also run into similar problem but with my own dataset. I messed around with argument z_var and got just slightly better results. I am looking into WGAN to avoid...
Hi, also in `denormalize` function, should tensor be multiplied with 255, because transforms.ToTensor() converts the pixels to 0-1 range?
Nvm. `save_image` already multiplies the pixel values with 255.