David M Walker
David M Walker
Hi I have an unstable internet connection, joys of country living. If I am generating a large data set it via the website it has a nice UI showing progress...
Having got a clean build if I do: ` docker exec -it imply bin/post-index-task -f quickstart/wikipedia-index.json ` I get ` Beginning indexing data for wikipedia Waiting up to 119s for...
Given the symbolic link created wouldn't it be better to do the following ` WORKDIR /opt/imply `
Dockerfile has a syntax of COPY that can cause problems on some platforms Here is a minor update https://pastebin.com/dUXbJfAx
The README.md file needs some updates for clarity and version. A complete version is available at this pastebin https://pastebin.com/1Ev8AYak