@alexferrari88 just trying to find element on main page or in iframe to understand next step the problem is that page.Race() at this moment cant do Search()
how to change initial position via Go?
i was found the solution that works on mac ```go go func() { for { pages, err := browser.Pages() // _, err := proto.BrowserGetVersion{}.Call(browser) if err != nil { log.Println(err)...
Need to train some different profiles...
How can i implement this behavior?
profiles count can be more than 2, its just example...
i can launch to much profiles, but i wanna to control them
Im publish minimal example thats not woriking I have a folder ```userDataDir``` and i have some count of profiles in this folder and i wanna launch them and control, but...
sorry for english, trying to explain
I have a folder ```userDataDir``` with 10 profiles ```Profile 1``` and ```Profile 2``` ... And i wanna launch (open) them in loop and control all of tham (close, reopen, clicks...),...