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Write Submission Correctness Tests for R exercises
I have been really trying to learn how to use testwhat in a classroom setting to develop autograders for the purpose of teaching R, but there is a real dearth...
It seems that the `-check` chunk fails to create the `RootState` R6 object because it cannot find the `formatted_output` object since the user did not yet provide code to evaluate...
Fixes https://github.com/rstudio/learnr/issues/202 The next release of learnr (v`0.10.0`) will provide a copy of the environment before the user executed their code `envir_prep` to the exercise checker function (ex: `testwhat_learnr`). Using...
Inspired by [ch1ex3 of Reporting with R Markdown](https://www.datacamp.com/teach/editor/428/edit/13a20f7fbe?branch=modernize-scts). The exercise asks students to change a line of text. The old SCT was ```r test_rmd_group(1, { test_text("This is my first R...
`caret::caretStack()` includes the time it took to run inside the result, presumably just to cause our SCTs to break. Machine Learning Toolbox Ch5Ex16 has an example of its use and...
At the moment, all the tests center around testing if the student got something right. What we don't have a good facility for at the moment is testing for specific...
Would be useful to have a `test_not()` command in some cases. e.g. ``` *** =solution ... test$Age
I am using this package to for an intro data science class. In one exercise the students need to compute the entry-wise maximum of two columns of data. One correct...
In [Longitudinal Analysis in R](https://www.datacamp.com/courses/longitudinal-analysis-in-r), in exercises with models that are S4 objects, `check_arg("formula")` does not flag incorrect formulas and the SCT passes with an incorrect entry. [Here](https://campus.datacamp.com/courses/longitudinal-analysis-in-r/modeling-longitudinal-dichotomous-outcomes?ex=3) is an...
Warning: Half formed idea. Most of the tidyverse packages now use [`rlang::eval_tidy()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/rlang/topics/eval_tidy). Currently we have to set `eval = FALSE` in `check_equal()` and resort to fairly gross things like regex...