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Write Submission Correctness Tests for R exercises

:warning: This repo had outdated tokens in its travisci config To make new releases for this project it needs to be moved to circleci


FOSSA Status

Verify R code submissions and auto-generate meaningful feedback messages. Originally developed for R exercises on DataCamp for so-called Submission Correctness Tests, but can also be used independently.

  • If you are new to teaching on DataCamp, check out https://instructor-support.datacamp.com.
  • If you want to learn what SCTs are and how they work, visit this article specifically.
  • For a complete overview of all functionality inside testwhat and articles about what to use when, consult https://datacamp.github.io/testwhat.

For details, questions and suggestions, contact us.




Experimenting locally:

setup_state(sol_code = "x <- 5",
            stu_code = "x <- 4")

ex() %>% check_object("x")
# No error: x is defined in both student and solution code

ex() %>% check_object("x") %>% check_equal()
# Error: The contents of the variable `x` aren't correct.

# Debugging state
s <- ex() %>% check_object()
s                     # only prints out state class
str(s)                # full overview of state
s$get("student_code") # access student code in state

To include an SCT in a DataCamp course, visit https://instructor-support.datacamp.com.


testwhat currently depends on the proprietary RBackend and RCompletion packages to run tests. Tests run automatically on every branch that is updated through travis.



Whenever a push is done to the master branch, this repo will automatically build a pkgdown website (containing reference documentation and vignettes), push it to the gh-pages branch, which in turn is served by GitHub at https://datacamp.github.io/testwhat.


FOSSA Status