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(Legacy) Command Line Interface for Databricks

Results 140 databricks-cli issues
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Hi, Is it possible to add support for Global Init script in CLI ?

Hello team, I am new to data bricks and in python. I want to read the 7 days old files from azure blob storage and need to merge in s...

- Adds missing fields to cluster create and edit methods in ``

This is to allow enterprise users who are forced to interact with Databricks via a proxy to set a custom host for ApiClient. Example Before ``` client = ApiClient(host='') print(client.get_url("/"))...

Understood from the documentation that SCIM APIs are not supported yet. Do we have any plans on adding this support?

Hi Team! When I run the command: ```sh databricks configure --host --profile --token ``` At this point, it will save the `databrickscfg` file to the location: `%USERPROFILE%\.databrickscfg` (on Windows). As...

The following functionality seems to be missing from the jobs API: Any reason why this is not implemented?

`ApiClient` [currently assumes port 80 (http) / 443 (https)]( for the Databricks service. This prevents serving a mocked Databricks service on other ports which might be useful in some testing...

API Client is pointing to a non-existent version (v2.1) of the "lineage-tracking" API, although the latest version of this API is still 2.0. This is causing the following error when...


This pull request adds warning messages in: * StackApi class * Help messages * `databricks stack download` and `databricks stack deploy` commands