databricks-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
databricks-cli copied to clipboard

(Legacy) Command Line Interface for Databricks

Results 140 databricks-cli issues
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It is possible to iterate over the return of dbutils.secrets.get and have the key value. Would that be correct? ``` value = dbutils.secrets.get(scope, key) for i in range (0, len(value))...

databricks cli version 0.17.3 When trying to execute `databricks unity-catalog -h` on WSL on windows (Ubuntu-20.04), the following error message appears: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/#######/.local/bin/databricks", line...


This has been a tedious and manual process that should be automated.

**Setup** 1. Creating a Simple Job via Databricks UI and exporting the Job definition Json 2. Create the job via Databricks CLI with the previous Job definition Json **Description** Azure...

In many organisations and pypi github is not allowed via internal firewalls, especially when running on self hosted CI/CD agents. Can databricks installation script as well as download URL be...

Hi, while trying to create a (very simple, stripped down) Databricks Job by using the Databricks CLI from Windows: ``` databricks jobs create --json '{"name":"MY_JOB","email_notifications":{"no_alert_for_skipped_runs":false},"webhook_notifications":{},"timeout_seconds":0,"max_concurrent_runs":1,"tasks":[{"task_key":"MY_TASK","notebook_task":{"notebook_path":"MY_NOTEBOOK","source":"WORKSPACE"},"job_cluster_key":"Job_cluster","timeout_seconds":0,"email_notifications":{}}],"job_clusters":[{"job_cluster_key":"Job_cluster","new_cluster":{"spark_version":"12.2.x-scala2.12","spark_conf":{"":"true"},"azure_attributes":{"first_on_demand":1,"availability":"ON_DEMAND_AZURE","spot_bid_max_price":-1},"node_type_id":"Standard_DS3_v2","spark_env_vars":{"PYSPARK_PYTHON":"/databricks/python3/bin/python3"},"enable_elastic_disk":true,"data_security_mode":"LEGACY_SINGLE_USER_STANDARD","runtime_engine":"STANDARD","num_workers":8}}],"format":"MULTI_TASK"}' ``` I realized this results...

This PR adds a deprecation warning with a call-to-action for users to move to

### Problem description We've currently set up a couple of (unity) catalogs and require each catalog to be the default for a specific workspace. While trying to use the new...

This library uses the [`imp` module]( which has been deprecated since Python 3.4 and set for removal in 3.12: * Raised `PendingDeprecationWarning` since [3.4 (2014)]( * Raised `DeprecationWarning` since [3.5...

This is a minimalistic update to allow the new format 'AUTO' to be used which is available on the [REST API](,AUTO,-(Public%20Preview) as part of the release of [workspace files](). This...