
Results 5 issues of dataPulverizer

Hello, I am trying to call the [fftw3]( library using dpp however there is an issue with type translation in particular with function definitions. Within the C library mentioned, consider...

help wanted
good first issue

Add simple stopwatch, see below for basic suggested implementation: ``` mutable struct StopWatch t1::Float64 t2::Float64 StopWatch() = new(NaN, NaN) end function start!(sw::StopWatch)::Nothing sw.t1 = time() Nothing() end function stop!(sw::StopWatch)::Nothing sw.t2...

Hi, Your glas library is very interesting, and the benchmark for your gemm is impressive. I think users and potential contributors would benefit greatly from a series of blogs or...

What is the limitation of the "any" type? Will the programmer be able to have a dynamic any array with different types? If a struct is returned as any could...

Removed Previous Template Demo and Added New Template and MetaProgramming Documents. New template parts: * Template Part 1 * Template Part 2 * Template Part 3 New metaprogramming parts *...