Jade (Rose) Rowland
Jade (Rose) Rowland
euc = euclid eucl = euclidLegato eucr = euclidRot euclr = euclidLegatoRot
using a shared worker, there are still two problems: the clock has some jitter on both browsers, Im not sure if its because of a calculation error or delays in...
Currently working: - Stop/Start Sync from both directions - Changing CPS of the Abelton link clock, although I was unable to figure out how to get the CPS of the...
This is a draft PR. This is much more useful when rebased on https://github.com/tidalcycles/strudel/pull/900 what is working: - passing data to and from the url to the iframes - adding/subtracting...
This pattern could be used as the basis for all kinds of interesting modulations. An example: ``` setCps(.5) $: s("bd:4:4!4").gain(.4) $: s("oh!16").gain(.1).am("4").amskew(1) $: note("{f g c d}%16".add("{12 7 0}%16")).am("").amskew("").s("sawtooth").release(.1) ```...
phaser no longer has to rely on orbits and free running lfos, because the phase of the modulator is calculated based on the time. the phaser should sound exactly the...
- kinda breaking change: will change patterns without the fanchor set using fenv to be a bit brighter - It's time to make this change, it is a source of...
To try in dev mode visit: http://localhost:4321/udels#cygiYmQhNCIpCg%3D%3D,c3RhY2soCiAgcygiaGghMTYiKQop - Code stored in URL strings passed from child to parent window - each instance can have its own custom settings and saved...