Dashamir Hoxha
Dashamir Hoxha
E: Check whether #520 was done first... See also #899 --- This doc should explain the best solution (or a couple of possible solutions) for this situation. Example: the data...
I am installing indico in a docker container, with automated scripts. However the instructions provide only an interactive way to setup it, which is not suitable for automation: - https://docs.getindico.io/en/stable/installation/production/debian/apache/#configure-indico...
Create a issue on GitHub for each task or bug, and label it properly. - [ ] https://sourceforge.net/p/brlcad/bugs/?limit=250 - [ ] https://github.com/BRL-CAD/brlcad/blob/main/BUGS - [ ] https://github.com/BRL-CAD/brlcad/blob/main/TODO - [ ] https://brlcad.org/~sean/ideas.html...
Maybe `greenlight-v3` is better than `greenlight-v2` for an initial installation (for reasons that I don't understand). However, as long as there is no clean and easy migration path from v2...
This is not a bug, but rather an improvement request. Sorry if this is not the right place, but I couldn't find a better place for discussing it. It seems...
I have a couple of proposals that in my opinion would improve `docker-compose.yml`. 1. Instead of `/etc/snikket/`, why not use `/root/snikket/` as the main installation directory? 2. Why not use...
Can `sniproxy` be behind another SNI proxy (maybe another `sniproxy`) which has enabled the proxy_protocol feature? Is `sniproxy` able to receive proxy_protocol connections? I am testing with a `sniproxy` behind...
Related to: https://github.com/PierreMarchand20/asciinema_automation/issues/18#issuecomment-2221332269