Daryl Daly
Daryl Daly
To reproduce: - turn on device developer options setting "Don't keep activities" - start app - select existing record from list (large screen device) - list item selection indicator is...
add preferences where user can determine length of time to display i.e. only 6 months or only 1 year ...
add ability to filter graph results. - time (i.e. only show readings from 4 am to 8 am) - date (i.e. only show readings between two dates, only show readings...
On a smaller device (android's 'normal' display size), the action bar only has room for two items (in portrait mode). Is it possible to remove the app title from the...
Add running average of systolic and diastolic values
Currently the graph image can be dragged to areas where there is no displayed data
When tap outside of a text edit box, the soft keyboard should hide steps to reproduce: - start a new record - tap into the 'notes' field and soft keyboard...
Should not require an actual record save during a config change (i.e. screen rotate). Active record should be separated from edit fragment so it can survive the config change and...