Darx Kies

Results 9 comments of Darx Kies

I have the same problem. It compiles but it fails to link. Is there a solution to the problem?

I used this to solve the issue as the functions are not defined in the Rust core lib. ``` #[cfg(target_arch="arm")] unsafe fn __kernel_cmpxchg_t(old_value: u32, new_value: u32, ptr: *mut u32) ->...

Any news about the 3.10 wheel?

[cublas-patch.txt](https://github.com/rustformers/llm/files/11415839/cublas-patch.txt) Ugly patch to add support for cuBLAS.

CLBlast can be enabled for Linux and Windows using the PR #282.

From my POV, it is.

I am not very familiar with the structure of the ggml files. I only know that it is a binary format and that it is really very compact. One way...

That "blob" at the end of the ggml could be also used to describe the different prompt formats, stop sequences, and so on, that the model supports. ggml wouldn't have...