Jacques Gagnon
Jacques Gagnon
[v1.8-rc2-4-g2f6c943_hw1_wii_extension.zip](https://github.com/darthcloud/BlueRetro/files/9674820/v1.8-rc2-4-g2f6c943_hw1_wii_extension.zip) Can you try this? This build should work on wiimote
Please if you got question, ask it on the discussion forum, not on someone else issues. But to answer you, the only port available inside a Wii are the gamecube...
Are you sure your DS4 are fully charged? Are you using official ESP32 devkitc from espressif bought from either digikey or mouser? Can you get some pictures of your install...
Any luck with getting the log? Can't do anything without that.
Try to power adapter fron ps 3.3v to esp 3.3v, instead of using 8v on 5v input. Which game you use?
Make sure your 3.3 is on the ESP 3.3v and not the 5V ones. But its possible, this is why i was using 8V myself but then many people reported...
You are correct, dual motor and speed control are not yet implemented. It something that will require redesign later. I will eventually fix it but not in the short term....
@patters-syno While only one motor from the PSs BT ctrls is used both motor command on the PSX/PS2 side should activate it. I will need to take a look. Sorry...
@patters-syno yes please open a different issue, I'll keep this one to track the BT side. Just copy paste your first post.
Yes dreamcast rumble is not well supported. Better left off for now.