Is anyone able to respond to this one please? This is regularly impacting a number of calls and is having a real business impact.
> Thank you for reporting this issue and detailed explanation @jsdream. Yes this looks like a race condition that need to be handled by the SDK. I have filed an...
Any update on this one please? I think the workaround is working ok, but ideally we'd like a native fix for this.
Has anyone managed to build this on ARM64/M1 yet?
Any updates on this please? M1 Macs have been out for a long time now.
> It's stalled because lbry-sdk needs to upgrade to atleast Python 3.9.1 before [M1 support is available](https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.9.html#macos-11-0-big-sur-and-apple-silicon-mac-support) Ah ok, given that's the dependency, it makes sense. Thanks for the update.
Any updates on this? I don't see any recent activity on the thread above.
Good to hear progress is being made on this! I can't wait for the day my Mac is running only native apps. LBRY is quite sluggish under Rosetta 2, so...
Any more updates on an M1/M2 release please? It would be great to get an optimised version of LBRY up and running soon! What are the current roadblocks/dependencies?
Bouncing following the latest release.