I am having exactly the same issue in docker. How do we work around this?
Can we get some feed back on this please? its been active for 4 months and not a single response, how is this helping the community?
Thanks for feeding back. I'm using the following images to build and run the container: installer base: FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-sdk AS installer-env image base: FROM mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/dotnet:2.0 Yeah I know about the...
Ah that makes sense. Thanks for your input though. If only someone from the Azure team would engage then we would at least know if they plan to do anything...
its very disappointing that we haven't had any feed back on this issue. Whats the point in allowing us to raise issues if you are not going to feedback!!
Has there been any movement on this yet?
Are there any workarounds for this issue?
Hi @fabiocav, Do you know if there is an update on this issue yet? Sorry to keep asking but It’s a pretty big blocking issue for my company’s migration which...
Hi @fabiocav, I see this has been triaged and had the p2 tag. What exactly does the p2 mean, guessing priority2? Can you give us an update please? Thanks
We too have had to stop using @azfunc as the scoping issue makes them unusable for our solution. This is very frustrating for a team that have embraced Azure functions...