CGI is a protocol between the webserver and some other app. You will need to write a get handler that matches the URL and does the work
Reading https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/62156 I modified the chart deployment.yaml as a test (to mount known_hosts as a file, not a dir by specifying the key and path exactly, but also had to...
Present in 1.4.2 (sorry - we are mid flux2 planning, and needed to update existing cluster)
I'm seeing this behavior as well. It's a new behaviour - these simple TF plans (one policy, one alert) used to work well, but now fail ``` newrelic_alert_policy.tf_test_policy_nonprod: Creating... newrelic_alert_policy.tf_test_policy_nonprod:...
So here's a fun fact. Today, it is working perfectly. I walked away from my machine in frustration last night. Highly random behavior (every apply came up with different errors,...
I had this issue too: Try specifying account_id in your alert_policy - it is optional, but if you don't specify it, it's not stred in the state, (or somthing like...
I believe this issue also applies to the git commit status update providers as well. None of them appear to have proxy support via the spec.proxy element However, by kustomizing...