You can use on ip from which is a special public range which is not routed on internet. Tesla cars accept to access to and you don't risk...
Optimizer are globally an issue for PredictionESN. This is not working at all: https://github.com/kalekiu/easyesn/blob/bf1f520ad5222a62e49b2851fd326098a8980295/easyesn/PredictionESN.py#L444 This is a pain: https://github.com/kalekiu/easyesn/blob/bf1f520ad5222a62e49b2851fd326098a8980295/easyesn/optimizers/GradientOptimizer.py#L162 Thanks.
This allows to render on tesla browser even when driving.
If you have the following prefix: @prefix : . :defender_machine_321ddbxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1776bbd3918b7a8 rdf:type d3f:Host ; :comment "Agent version 10.8210.17763.3650", "Risk Score None", "Status Inactive" ; it creates keys in json-ld like "0:defender_machine__321ddbxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1776bbd3918b7a8"...
### Issue type: :question: Question How to use regular expression as a parameter for a function (like grel:string_replace) ?