
Results 27 issues of darkzbaron

Hi there, I think the end points changed slightly. it should be something like that. https://www.stryd.com/b/api/v1/users/calendar?updated_after I am trying to schedule workouts via the API if you have any idea...

Hi, the game when windows high contrast mode is activated

Hi there, is there a way to populate currently playing artist, title etc? The fields are there but when using the load function (both with server and bin) it does...

Hi there, There seems to be some size limit. If I use a long script, it does not save and therefore does not work. I guess this is due to...

tech debt

I run a script on domain.com. I have specified in my script that it should only run on domain.com/subdomain1. However, when I navigate back and forther between domain.com and domain.com/subdomain1...

tech debt

Hi there, since a few days I am not able to get any users. Anyone having the same problem?

Hi there, On windows, if you run the script from another working directory you get the following error: `IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'csv_header_default.properties` This works however...

It returns "Could not find the file" when using a file in another location/with space in the name with Windows.

Hi there, did you get descent performance with this? I can't get your test to work!

Windows 10 Miniconda3 Python3.9 jaxlib-0.3.25 jax-0.3.25 numpy-1.20.3 When I try to import using : from whisper_jax import FlaxWhisperPipline I get this error, I am new in JAX so anyhelp is...