
Results 8 comments of darkrain88

我耳机没有声音 怎么破

注入了啊, 有声音speaker

in fact there is no different between pt and bt. so may it is difficult to separate them

yes close authorization. run remote -l will find the hint of error

AC86U 梅林 Firmware Version:[386.7_2] 安装在jffs里面, 启动不了, fatal error: pageAlloc: out of memory 1 启动/重启clash服务 2 clash功能设置 3 停止clash服务 4 禁用clash开机启动 5 设置定时任务 6 导入配置文件 7 clash进阶设置 8 其他工具 9 更新/卸载...

i use this issue to thank for your hard working, the packages have been updated to the 9/11/2018/

这里是不是写安装方法, 不是yum install_nvjdc(){ echo -e "${red}开始进行安装,请根据命令提示操作${plain}" **yum install git -y > /dev/null** git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/NolanHzy/nvjdcdocker.git /root/nvjdc if [ ! -d "/root/nvjdc/.local-chromium/Linux-884014" ]; then